Hét ontmoetingscentrum in Londen voor de Engelandvaarders was Oranjehaven.
Hét ontmoetingscentrum in Londen voor de Engelandvaarders was Oranjehaven. Koningin Wilhelmina stelde uit onvrede over de opvang van de Engelandvaarders persoonlijk fondsen ter beschikking waarmee begin 1942 tot oprichting van de 'club' kon worden overgegaan. Huisvesting werd gevonden in een pand aan het Hyde Park. Meer dan eens bracht de koningin, bij voorkeur onaangekondigd, een bezoek aan Oranjehaven, waarbij ze ongedwongen sprak met de aanwezigen. Nederlanders in het buitenland: Engeland, Oranjehaven. Netherlands, British and U.S. luncheon group inspect U.S. Air Base. Netherlands, British and U.S. guests are at a luncheon in London, February 14, 1945, prior to an inspection of an Eighth U.S. Air Force base in England at which planes carrying the daily newspaper 'De Vliegende Hollander' ('The Flying Dutchman') to occupied parts of Holland are based. Seated, left to right: Cass Canfield, newly appointed Director of the U.S. Information Service in Paris; Colonel P.R. Chambers, British Army; Professor Pieter Gerbrandy, Prime Minister of the Netherlands Philip C. Hamblet, Director of the European Theater of Operations of the U.S. Office of War Information; Stanley K. Hornbeck, U.S. Ambassador to the Netherlands; and Count W. van Bylandt, Secretary General of the Netherlands Foreign Office. Standing, left to right: Colonel George Jones, Eighth U.S. Air Force; Captain Michael C. Fletcher, British Army; John McMillan, British Government; Louis de Jong, editor of 'De Vliegende Hollander'; Major Robert Carey, Eighth U.S. Air Force; Colonel Frederick N. Insinger, Chief of the Netherlands Section U.S. Office of War Information; Webb Benton, Counsellor of the U.S. Embassy, The Netherlands; Lieutenant Colonel Earle Aber, First Lieutenant Eugene Smith, Captain William Knapp and Sergeant Gerald Blake, all of the Eigth U.S. Air Force, and Bernard Barnes, Acting Director of the London office, U.S. Office of War Information.
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