'Canadian troops, specially trained for the gigantic task before them, poured from ships like this one onto the beaches ...
6 juni 1944
'Canadian troops, specially trained for the gigantic task before them, poured from ships like this one onto the beaches on 'D-Day'. In place of the usual lifeboats swinging on the side of the ship, for this voyage assault boats swing from the side, and in them Canadians made their first landings.'
- Canadian Army Overseas Photo
- Nationaal Oorlogs- en Verzetsmuseum Overloon / Liberty Park
- Foto
Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 145043
- D-Day
- Schepen
- Ontschepingen
- Landingsvaartuigen
- Canadese strijdkrachten
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