Liberated Russians hold banquet with U.S. Army rations.
Liberated Russians hold banquet with U.S. Army rations. Russian prisoners of war liberated in Homer, Germany, by ninth U.S. Army celebrated May Day, 1945 by holding a banquet "C" rations. Infantrymen of the 75th Infantry Division are shown handing out boxes of the rations for the banquet. There were 22,000 Russians in the Homer camp, 9,000 of them hospital cases suffering from teberculosis, dysentery, typhus and malnutrition.
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Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 4452
- Voedselvoorziening
- Krijgsgevangenkampen
- Krijgsgevangenen
- Russische strijdkrachten
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