Russians help in packing and loading the famous Eric Wasmann entomological collection located in the Berlin University o...
Russians help in packing and loading the famous Eric Wasmann entomological collection located in the Berlin University of Agriculture. L.toR.; 2nd Lt. Peter Eider-Orly, Hq...G-2, interprater for Bailey; Lt. S.V. Sorokin, asst. to Russian Major V.I. Bekhterev; Capt. H. Engberts, interpreter for Royal Netherlands Col. Cornelis van Ry, and, holding one of the collections entry records, Major John W. Bailey. Master Caption. In 1943 the Nazis stole Holland's famous Erich Wasmann scientific insect collection and ento; ological library. After an intensive earch by Major John W. Bailey of the Education Branch of Information and Education Div., commanded by Brig.Gen.P.Thompson, which led through museums of Bremen, Hamburg, Kiel, Munich, Stuttgart, Augsburg, Frankfurt, Wurzburg, Heidelberg and Darmstadt, the collection was finally located in the dust-filled lightless catacombs of the University of Agriculture in Berlin. Located in the Russian zone, the packing and loading was expedited by Russian scientists and quickly turned over to its rightful owners.
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