Wounded U.S. soldiers flown to hospitals near their homes. A U.S.
Wounded U.S. soldiers flown to hospitals near their homes. A U.S. Army nurse makes a final check of litter cases in an Air Service Command transport plane before it takes off from an Army air base in the Eastern U.S. to take wounded men from a general hospital on the East Coast to Army hospitals close to their homes all over the U.S. The plpane is staffed by a medical technician, in addition to the nurse, and has facilities for at least 18 patients.
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Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 11902
- Amerikaanse strijdkrachten
- Medische verzorging
- Transport
- Gewonden
- Transportvliegtuigen
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