Commemoration of the First Anniversary of Germany's Attack on Holland.
10 mei 1941
Commemoration of the First Anniversary of Germany's Attack on Holland. In London a Commemoration Servile was held on the site of the Historic Dutch Church in Austin Friars, which was destroyed by a German bomb. Also the band of the Royal Netherlands Legion marched through London. Photo shows: the Queen of the Netherlands [Wilhelmina] at the Service, behind is Prince Bernhard saluting, on the left is Netherland's Prime Minister Prof. Dr. P. S. Gerbrandy. 10-05-1941
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Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 162000
- Koninklijk Huis
- Plechtigheden
- Meidagen 1940
- Regering
- Herdenkingen
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