Foto Duits Junkers Ju 52 transportvliegtuig na noodlanding.
mei 1940
Foto Duits Junkers Ju 52 transportvliegtuig na noodlanding. Tekst er bij: 'Not only highways, but fields and beaches were also used to unload troops and materials during the invasion of Holland. After landing this transport was covered with tree branches to conceal it from spotter planes. In the massive airborne operation the Germans used 430 of these transports, airlifting a total of 16.000 troops. 164 of these planes were destroyed by the defending Dutch forces'. Junkers 52.
- Nationaal Bevrijdingsmuseum Groesbeek
- Foto
Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 172975
- Wrakken
- Luftwaffe
- Duitse strijdkrachten
- Transportvliegtuigen
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