French soldiers guard Germans captured in Castelforte.
mei 1944
French soldiers guard Germans captured in Castelforte. French troops of the Allied Fifth Army (foreground) guard some of the Germanns (center, against building) who surrendered on May 13, 1944, at Castelforte, former enemy stronghold in West Central Italy. An Italian woman walks down the trooplined street in the town where enemy resistance was ended on the morning of may 14, 1944, only three days after the Allies launched a smashing offensive in Central Italy. Several hours after the stronhold fell, French prisoners in near-by hills.
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Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 19335
- Franse strijdkrachten
- Duitse strijdkrachten
- Krijgsgevangenen
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