Gottlob Berger. SS General who was one of Himmler's experts on racial selection in the SS.
Gottlob Berger. SS General who was one of Himmler's experts on racial selection in the SS. From 1940, he was Chief of Staff for the military SS and head of the SS main leadership office. After the war, he was tried for his role in the murder of European Jewry and given 25 years in prison, of which he served only 6 1/2 years.
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Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 24517
- SS
- Tribunalen
- Nazi's
- Oorlogsmisdadigers
- Portretten
- Arrestaties
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Gottlob Berger
Gerstetten, 16 juli 1896 -
Stuttgart, 5 januari 1975
Stuttgart, 5 januari 1975