General Eisenhower tours German murder camp. General Dwight D.
General Eisenhower tours German murder camp. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Expeditionary Force (center), listens as First Lieutenant ALois J. Liethen of Appleton, Wisconsin (left), questions a liberated slave laborer at the Nazi prison camp of Ohrdruf, eight miles south of Gotha in Germany. Seventy prisoners, it was reported, were killed just before the Fourth Armered Division of the Third U.S. Army seized the camp April 4, 1945. According to survivors, 3,000 to 4,000 Jews and political prisoners from Poland, Czechoslovakia, Russia, Belgium, France and Germany were killed by SS troops at the camp. Eighty survivors who escaped death or transfer by hiding in the woods reported that an average of 150 died daily, mainly from shooting or clubbing. The Nazi system was to feed prisoners a crust of bread aday, work them on tunnelling until they were too weak to continue, then exterminate them and replace them with another 150 prisoners daily.
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Dwight D. Eisenhower
Washington D.C., 28 maart 1969
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