AD - B 14 Geallieerde acties R.A.F. Ventura attack on Den Helder: action pictures from the air.
23 december 1942
AD - B 14 Geallieerde acties R.A.F. Ventura attack on Den Helder: action pictures from the air. Aerial photographs taken from R.A.F. Venturas during daylight attack on the docks at Den Helder, Holland on 23.12.1942. The bombers were escorted by R.A.F. fighters. The enemy made no attempt to intercept them and, after placing their bombs on the target, all the aircraft returned safely. A few seconds later, there are at least 36 bomb bursts with direct hits on the naval barracks, naval bakery and torpedo workshops.
- British Air Ministry Photograph
- Algemeen Dagblad
- Foto
Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 199139
- Bombardementen
- Luchtaanvallen
- Scheepswerven
- Geallieerden
- Luchtfotografie
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