AD - B 14 Geallieerde acties British Official Photograph no. C. 3269. Daylight Attack on Philips Works Eindhoven.
AD - B 14 Geallieerde acties British Official Photograph no. C. 3269. Daylight Attack on Philips Works Eindhoven. Remarkable photographs were taken during the attack by nearly 100 light bombers of the R.A.F. on the important Phlips radio works at Eindhoven Holland on Sunday 6-12-1942. The attack was extremely concentrated, the bombers unloading all their high explosive and invendiary bombs within a few minutes of reaching the target area, which was 60 miles inland from the Dutch coast. On the return pilots and crews reported that the attack appeared to have been highly successful; these reports are substantiated by the photographs taken at the time. Dense clouds of smoke below from fires which are gaining a firm grip on the factory buildings; smaller pillars of smoke indicate where fresh loads of incendiaries have just fallen.
- Algemeen Dagblad
- Foto
- 199141
- Bombardementen
- Luchtaanvallen
- Industrieën
- Luchtfotografie
- Geallieerden
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