Prisoners of war on Onrust Island, Java.
Prisoners of war on Onrust Island, Java. On the island to Onrust, off Tandjong Priek, is a prisoner-of-war camp, which helds 200 Germans and appreximately 800 Indonesians who were arrested during military activities in Java. The Germans are mostly members of U-beat crews who were trapped in the Netherlands East Indies after the Japanese surrender. Indonesian 'republican' newspapers stated that prisoners on Onrust were being ill-treated, and these photographs show the fallacy of his accusation. The men are being treated strictly according to the Geneva-convention. Major van Soest, inspector of the prison system, discusses conditions with a barrakes-commander. The barracks-commanders are elected by fellow-prisoners, and any complaints from the men are forwarded by him to the officials of the prison camp. NI 919
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- 49179
- Krijgsgevangenkampen
- Republikeinen
- Indonesiërs
- Naoorlogse periode
- Interneringskampen
- Nationalisme
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