Hadjeret el Meguil, Algeria: Various documents
Use R:\Document collections\MF54\Working Images\11\Wiener Docs frames 911-989 <p><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.</strong></span></p><p>This microfilm collection of documents concerning life in Hadjeret el Meguil and other internment camps in Vichy North Africa was, according to a covering note at the beginning of the collection, donated to the Wiener Library, by way of gratitude for the assistance that was given to the depositor with respect to his restitution claims.</p><p>Material re camps in North Africa including the following:<br /><br />Type-written copy of a novel, "Levinstein", by Peter Andreas, based on his experiences in forced labour units in Vichy North Africa, 1969, frames 7-31<br /><br />United Restitution Organisation circular: case of a Rumanian Jew who served in a North African forced labour camp under the French, now claiming to qualify under the German restitution law, 6 Dec 1957, frames 33-38<br /><br />Letters and documents relating to the death of Gerhard Levinstein at Hadjeret Meguil, frames 39-63<br /><br />Various documents and cuttings.<br /></p> Open
- Archief
- gb-003348-wl537
- Algeria
- Hadjerat M'Guil (internment camp)
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