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Nazi Party Rally at Nuremberg / Armed Forces Day. Planes fly over, tanks in formation on field. Close shot of older woman in scarf selling fruit in main square, Nuremberg. (Some spoiled footage, frame line out of rack 01:07:25 - 01:07:34) Hitler Youth airclub; young men launch gliders near Berlin. BDM (Bund deutscher Maedel / League of German Girls) on the road between Dresden and Nuremberg. Small troops walking on cobblestone country road, singing; one carries BDM flag. Adolescent girls in BDM uniform of white shirts, kerchiefs. Some in regular clothes. Older BDM members lined up on parade ground at Nuremberg Party Rally 01:08:24 - 01:08:28. Brief shot of young women on steps at entrance of building (school/dormitory?) outside Berlin. SS encampment at Nuremberg party rally grounds, white tents. Men lined up, served meat into metal canteens. SS units with packs marching through camp area. SS band, passing tents. Fragment of army units on display at rally grounds, crawling on ground. Note: The party rally opened on Monday, September 6, 1937. This event would have been in the days following. Julien Hequembourg Bryan (1899-1974) was an American documentarian and filmmaker. Bryan traveled widely taking 35mm film that he sold to motion picture companies. In the 1930s, he conducted extensive lecture tours, during which he showed film footage he shot in the former USSR. Between 1935 and 1938, he captured unique records of ordinary people and life in Nazi Germany and in Poland, including Jewish areas of Warsaw and Krakow and anti-Jewish signs in Germany. His footage appeared in March of Time theatrical newsreels. His photographs appeared in Life Magazine. He was in Warsaw in September 1939 when Germany invaded and remained throughout the German siege of the city, photographing and filming what would become America's first cinematic glimpse of the start of WWII. He recorded this experience in both the book Siege (New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1940) and the short film Siege (RKO Radio Pictures, 1940) nominated for an Academy Award in 1940. In 1946, Bryan photographed the efforts of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency in postwar Europe.
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