Reichstag gutted by fire
Title: "Reichstag is gutted by Fire by Red Incendiaries - Chamber, where Deputies meet in Berlin parliament, is destroyed as result of communist plot." Exterior shots of the damaged dome of the Reichstag, fireman with their truck on the street, shifts to interior scenes of the gutted building. Close ups of structural damage and still-smoking rubble. A policeman stands in the wreckage. Fireman spray water on the rubble. The British narrator tells of the fire, and says that after the imminent general election, Parliament will need to find a temporary home. He notes that Hindenburg's chair was destroyed in the blaze, and that Chancellor Hitler has announce that the fire was a communist plot, intended to be a signal for a Bolshevik revolution. The narrator notes that martial law has been declared in Germany.
- Archief
- us-005578-irn1003193
- Berlin, Germany
- Film
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