The Furman family visits London en route to relatives in Poland
The ocean. A man on a ship deck walks towards the camera several times, a big smile on his face. Ocean waves. A child runs around on the ship deck. A woman runs with her. They continue playing, holding hands. Small waves in the ocean. A ship with two funnels moves past, its deck crowded with people. Another large liner. A seagull flies. A man struggles with a large rod. People walk through city streets in London, officers, buses, and officers on horseback for annual The Lord Mayor's Show on November 9 to introduce the city to it's new Lord Mayor. The filmmaker stands opposite The Royal Courts of Justice in The Strand. Marching band. Four horses pull a float through with a man and woman sitting on it, with the words “The Worshipful Company of Framework Knitters” at the top. People march with pails hanging from a bar across their shoulders. Another float rolls, with the words “The old typesetting…” and a man sits on the float in front of a large typesetting machine. Another float rolls through with a man in a Queen’s Guard uniform at the back. People in a horsedrawn carriage. More people marching, and another horse-drawn carriage. Band on horseback, people with instruments. British Army soldiers in ceremonial uniform on the sidewalk. An elaborate carriage rolls, drawn by six horses, carrying the Lord Mayor. The parade finishes and the crowd begins to move. INT very dark view of people inside. People enter a car and drive away. Young women walk arm in arm through the street towards the camera. Four girls pose and smile. Two women in fur coats shake hands while talking to an older woman. A man and woman stand next to each other, the man smokes. They wave to the camera. Another parade filmed from a balcony. People line the streets on either side as soldiers and a marching band walk through. Large crowds of people walk along, carrying something above their heads. MS from street level of people marching.
- Archief
- us-005578-irn553857
- Film
- London, England
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