UNRRA selected records AG-018-023 : Hungary Mission
Copyright Holder: United Nations Archives and Records Management Section Consist of correspondence, reports, statistics, newspaper clippings, and articles relating to welfare programs of various agencies, displaced persons in Hungary, and repatriation of Hungarians from Palestine, welfare institutions and projects in Budapest, and to Hungarian journalists. The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) was an international relief agency representing 44 nations, but largely dominated by the United States. Founded in 1943, it became part of the United Nations (UN) in 1945, and it largely shut down operations in 1947. Its purpose was to "plan, co-ordinate, administer or arrange for the administration of measures for the relief of victims of war in any area under the control of any of the United Nations through the provision of food, fuel, clothing, shelter and other basic necessities, medical and other essential services." Its staff of civil servants included 12,000 people, with headquarters in New York. Funding came from many nations, and totaled $3.7 billion, of which the United States contributed $2.7 billion; Britain $625 million and Canada $139 million. The Administration of UNRRA at the peak of operations in mid-1946 included five types of offices and missions with a staff totaling nearly 25,000: The Headquarters Office in Washington, The European Regional Office (London), the 29 servicing offices and missions (2 area offices in Cairo and Sydney; 10 liaison offices and missions in Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Trieste; 12 procurement offices in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and later Peru, Cuba, India, Mexico, South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela; 6 offices for procurement of surplus military supplies in Caserta and later Rome, Honolulu, Manila, New Delhi, Paris, Shanghai), the sixteen missions to receiving countries (Albania, Austria, Byelorussia, China, Czechoslovakia, the Dodecanese Islands, Ethiopia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Korea, the Philippines, Poland, Ukraine, Yugoslavia), and the Displaced Persons Operations in Germany. UNRRA cooperated closely with dozens of volunteer charitable organizations, who sent hundreds of their own agencies to work alongside UNRRA. In operation only three years, the agency distributed about $4 billion worth of goods, food, medicine, tools, and farm implements at a time of severe global shortages and worldwide transportation difficulties. The recipient nations had been especially hard hit by starvation, dislocation, and political chaos. It played a major role in helping Displaced Persons return to their home countries in Europe in 1945-46. Its UN functions were transferred to several UN agencies, including the International Refugee Organization and the World Health Organization. As an American relief agency, it was largely replaced by the Marshall Plan, which began operations in 1948. [Source: UN Original finding aid of records of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA)] The development of an UNRRA program for Hungary was delayed for some months after the assumption of control by the Allied Control Commission in March 1945. The early offers of assistance were rejected on the ground that there was no necessity for UNRRA aid in this ex-enemy country. By the beginning of 1946 the need was clearly evident, however, and in answer to a formal request from the Hungarian Government, the UNRRA Central Committee on 4 February 1946 authorized a $4 million emergency relief program. A small mission arrived on 11 April. Their work was directed mainly toward the provision of emergency food supplies, medical supplies, and clothing, and they leaned heavily on the existing governmental and private agencies for cooperation in planning and handling their procurement and distribution work. A series of committees containing representatives of various interested government departments was organized for the purpose. The work of the Mission was essentially completed by the end of 1946 and the office was closed on 31 May 1947.
- Archief
- us-005578-irn652257
- Statistics.
- Humanitarian assistance.
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