The War Papers part 84
The War Papers part 84 met artikelen over Charles De Gaulle en: Daily Herald, 26 september 1940 'Dakar expedition is off. De Gaulle would not fight his own countrymen' 'Mass raiders are beaten off; 23 shot down' 'RAF again bombs ports & Berlin' 'Hitler tells Spain to join in war' 'Fifty-mile battle in Indo-china' 'Queues of air raid victims amid ruined homes get aid to start afresh' 'Nazis facing saevere dislocation of transport' Italy's 13 demands to french in Syria' Daily Mail, 2 juni 1945 'The Gaulle criticised by his ministers' 'Laval to give up in France' 'Truman on the date for the Big 3' 'Changed his face, tricked the Gestapo' J.R.H. Hutchison 'Mosquito flies to India in 12 hours' advertentie: 'Help Holland to hold on! Help Holland Fund' 'US will double its army in the Pacific' 'Complete self-govt for Burma' 'What fraternasation cost British troops' 'A secret bomber to hit Japs'
- Collectie Butterfield
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- Schriftelijke bronnen
- 11.23.89
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