Sexuality and German fascism
The interrelationship of fascism and sexuality has attracted a great deal of interest for some time now. This collection offers fresh perspectives by leading scholars on the history of sexuality under national socialism on such topics as the persecution of Jewish-gentile sex in the "race defilement" trials, homophobic propaganda and the prosecution of same-sex activity within the Wehrmacht and SS, representations of female sexuality in film, prostitution on home and battle fronts, sexual relations between Germans and foreign forced laborers, and reproductive practices among Jewish survivors. Moreover, the authors provide new insights into the relationships between Nazi sexual politics and antisemitism and challenge assumptions of Nazism as sexually repressive; instead they emphasize the interrelationships between incitement to sexual activity and persecution and mass murder.
- edited by Dagmar Herzog
- IHLIA LGBTI Heritage
- readers
- sexuality.ger.b.N309008
- roze driehoeken
- nazisme
- seksualiteit
- fascisme
- lhbtq+-vervolgingen
- duitsland
- tweede wereldoorlog
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