U.S. Troops speed toward Northern New Guinea. Landing craft loaded with U.S.
U.S. Troops speed toward Northern New Guinea. Landing craft loaded with U.S. Soldiers approach tanahmera Bay, one of the three sites, dominating a 150-mile coastal stretch of Northern New Guinea, which were wrested from the Japanese on April, 22, 1944, by American amphibious assault. The succesful U.S. landing completed the enrolment of an estimated 60,000 enemy soldiers despersed along the Northern coastal area of the South-west Pacific Island. NI 4799
- Foto
Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 53302
- Landingen
- Amerikaanse strijdkrachten
- Militairen
- Landingsvaartuigen
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