U.S. Marines ferried to Saipan. American landing barges, loaded with U.S.
U.S. Marines ferried to Saipan. American landing barges, loaded with U.S. Marines, cut through the surf headed for a beach at Saipan, key Japanese supply center in the Marianas group of the Central Pacific where U.S. forces established a beachhead on June 14, 1944. Less than a week after the initial landings, the American Marines, supported by heavy air and naval action, occupied the entire southern half of the island. As the Marines advanced on Saipan, other American forces landed on Noomfoor Island, off Dutch New Guinea and 800 miles from the Philippines, and captured one of the base's three airdromes.
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- 22956
- Landingen
- Amerikaanse strijdkrachten
- Landingsvaartuigen
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