Malino conference.
16 juli 1946
Malino conference. 16th - 19th July, 1946 A meeting attended by representatatives from all parts of the Netherlands East Indies, except Java and Sumatra, was held at Malino, in the Celebes Islands, to obtain the views of the people regarding the political reconstruction of the N.E.I. The Malino conference has made possible a general plan of action, and it is estimated that within three months another conference will be held to further develop this plan. A view of the conference in progress. NI 641
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Identificatienummer van NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies
- 48890
- Staatsinrichting
- Nederlanders
- Conferenties
- Kolonialisme
- Naoorlogse periode
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