Tiraspol district prefecture and its subordinated preturas and town halls
Cases of the Tiraspol district prefecture (correspondence with the governorship of Transnistria about Soviet prisoners of war in the camps of Tiraspol district; requests from residents of the county to issue permits for opening trade enterprises and returning their former property; correspondence on administrative issues; lists of employees of the prefecture; documents regarding food and livestock requisition; cases of issuing permits to carry weapon by the officials and residents of the county; orders of the governorship of Transnistria on the procedure for internment of Jews in concentration camps; instructions on the methods of teaching in primary schools; cases of engaging the residents of the county for compulsory labour; list of Jews in the ghetto of Tiraspol). Files of the praetura of Slobozia plasa/district (correspondence with the praetura of Tiraspol district and gendarme posts about survailling people who fled from German camps and appointing village guards, list of police officers in Slobozia village); Files of the praetura of Tiraspol plasa/district; files of the primaria of Blizhniy Hutor village; files of the primaria of Zartayka village; files of the primaria of Caragash village; files of the primaria of Malaeshty village; files of the primaria of Slobozia village (correspondence with the praetura and Slobozia prefecture about the the air defense and about the Soviet prisoners of war in the camps of Tiraspol); files of the primaria of Sukleya village (lists of policemen and officers in the village); files of the primaria of Teya village etc. Îndrumătorul Arhivei Naţionale a Republicii Moldova (partea II-a, 1918 – începutul secolului XXI, ediţia a II-a, revăzută şi completată). Chişinău, 2012: 49 According to the 1918 act of union of Bessarabia with Romania, there were introduced changes in the territorial-administrative division of the territory between Prut and Dniester rivers. The territory of Bessarabia was divided into counties, which were divided into several districts. The lower administrative unit was a commune, which united several localities. At the head of each district, there were the prefects. District prefectures managed political, administrative, and economic life of the district. The prefectures had several district councils (apart from various departments) which consisted of five committees: a control and administrative committee, a financial committee, an economic committee, a committee of cults and education, a committee of sanitation, a committee of public works (of construction). Administration of the subordinated preturas was headed by a sub-prefect with its own staff of officials - a sub-prefecture. In 1925, the post of sub-prefect was abolished and the post of praetor was introduced. Management of the subordinated preturas has become known as a pretura. The Pretura did not have any structural subdivisions, nor did it use the right of a legal entity. All of these bodies ceased to exist in Bessarabia in 1940, but were returned in 1941-44. In 1941-44 Romania also included territory between the rivers Bug and Dniester. The territory of the left bank of the Dniester river was divided into 3 districts: Dubasari, Ribnita, and Tiraspol. Documents of archival funds of prefectures, subordinated preturas and city halls are not fully preserved. No restrictions on access Restrictions on use. Fair use only. Use only for scientific purposes (not for commercial use)
- Archief
- md-002886-2072_2
- Ghettoisation
- Official documentation
- Tiraspol
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