The newsprint paper industry :an economic analysis.
Paper Enigma Machine,2003
The War Papers part 58: The Index of part 1 t/m 57
ARCH04345: Archief Ewald Vanvugt Openbaar leven Projecten
v. ; 28 cm.
R.-K. Bisdom Haarlem > Aanvullingen > Concilie archief > D.O.C. papers
The papers consist of two letters handwritten on air mail paper and sent from Rotterdam, Netherlands, to the donor's sister during the Holocaust.
Collection of papers including identity card, membership card, receipt, and certificates relating to Moritz and Florica Löwenstein.
Artikel uit "De Indische courant", 16 april 1941
Artikel uit "De Maasbode", 02 mei 1940
The War Papers part 72, artikelen over 'Uncle Bill', W.J. Slim en: Seac Souvenir, the Services newspaper of South East Asia Command, oorlogstijd, geen datum.
The War Papers part 59, met artikelen en: The Evening news 1 oktober 1946 'Twelve Even Men to Hang', Ribbentrop, Goering, Hess, seyys-Inquart, Jodl, Rosenberg, Bormann, e.a. Nuremberg
The War Papers part 56 met artikelen en: The daily Mail 27 juli 1945 'Churchill resigns, Attlee forming his cabinet' '3 powers send an ultimatum to Japan' 'Full election results'' 'Labour election posters' 'Battle for isle off malaya'
No. 3 (1990)- v. ; 25 cm.
v. ; 22 cm.
No. 1 (October 1993) - ... v. ; 30 cm.
Sometimes published as CDAS discussion paper series or CDAS discussion paper. volumes ; 28 cm
No. 1 (1985)- v. ; 30 cm.
v. ; 21 cm.
Verschijnt onregelmatig dl. ; 24 cm
Vijzelstraat 32 1017 HL Amsterdam